Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions

How will people locate our cemetery on
People can locate cemeteries by searching a particular state and city for cemeteries. Once cemeteries in that city have been found, the user can choose the one they want from the list.

What kind of information will users find on
Users will be able to use to find the grave of a particular person. They will also be able to search for available/for sale plots and find out where those plots are located. Other information available for users includes the birth, death, and burial date of grave occupants, who the occupant of a particular grave is, and whether a certain plot is reserved.

What search options will users have to locate graves in our cemetery?
The user can search for specific graves by any information that they might already know about the grave occupant – such as first or last name, veteran type, date of birth, date of death, or date of burial.

Can we show the plots we have for sale?
Yes, any available/for sale plots can be listed so that users can search for them. Any available plots that have been listed will be indicated on the map when users search for plots that are for sale.

How will a kiosk in our cemetery help visitors?
With a kiosk located conveniently in near the cemetery entrance, people visiting the cemetery will be able to locate the grave they wish to visit without walking down rows and rows of headstones that are worn and difficult to read. The Grave Discover Kiosk makes finding a particular grave much easier.

Can be accessed from mobile devices?
Yes, is a mobile responsive site, meaning that it can be easily accessed using any device with an Internet browser. Grave Discover Software gives users a way to access cemetery information from anywhere at any time.

How can I be sure my information will be safe with Grave Discover Software?
Grave Discover Software has a 99.99% uptime rate, meaning that it rarely crashes. In the event of a software crash or other emergency, the software has a scheduled backup software using a cloud based system to secure your information. Grave Discover Software also features secure login using SHA-2 and 2048-bit encryption to protect your data.

Can I try out the software before I buy it?
Yes, you can request a fully functioning demo of the software for a free trial before deciding to purchase the software.

How will Grave Discover Software help me organize my information?
Our software allows you to upload all of the cemetery documents and images that you need to keep straight – deeds, certificates, headstone images, etc. In addition to the document and image manager, Grave Discover Software also allows you to organize information on grave sites, owners of grave sites, grave occupants, and more in a convenient data list view. The software even offers customizable grave data fields to suit the unique way that you organize your cemetery.

How does the pricing for this software work?
The cost of Grave Discover Software varies depending on the size of your cemetery, how involved the data migration process is, and the volume and need of GPS mapping any graves. Once the cost for these variables is decided, any ongoing fees (web hosting, backups, upgrades, security enhancements, etc.) can be factored in.

What about software maintenance for Grave Discover Software?
Yearly software maintenance ensures that our software is compatible with new browser versions, your data is safe, public and administrative sites are up and running, vulnerabilities are addressed, issues are fixed, and that your recommendations are taken into consideration.